25 Tips To Be Positive In Life, Every Second, Minute And Hour!

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an unreal ability to find the silver lining in every situation? They're the ones who can turn a rainy day into a chance for cozy indoor activities or think of a failure as an opportunity for growth. 

But here's the secret: positivity isn't just for the naturally sunny nature. It's a skill and mindset we can all practice, no matter how stormy the circumstances are.

How To Keep Motivated and Stay Positive

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional approach that focuses on the bright side of life. It's about expecting the best possible outcome and believing in your ability to achieve your goals.

How do you achieve this mindset? 

Master a positive mindset and attain the power of positive thinking with powerful tips in the upcoming sections. Simple and actionable, apply them in your daily life to transform it into ‘my best life’.

Let’s get started!

A. Positive Thinking: Beyond Blind Optimism

Positive thinking isn't about ignoring reality or pretending that everything is perfect. It's about acknowledging challenges while maintaining a hopeful outlook and belief in your ability to cope with them.

How To Be a Positive Thinker

Following are the key traits of positive thinking:

  1. Optimism: This is the general expectation that good things will happen. Positive thinkers tend to believe that challenges are growth opportunities and that setbacks are temporary.

  2. Focus on the good: Positive thinkers actively seek out the positive aspects of life, even in difficult situations. They focus on gratitude and appreciate the good things they have.

  3. Self-belief: Positive thinkers believe in themselves and their abilities. They are confident in their capacity to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

  4. Resilience: Positive thinkers can bounce back from setbacks. They don't dwell on negativity and instead focus on finding solutions and moving forward.

  5. Solution-oriented: Instead of dwelling on problems, positive thinkers focus on finding solutions. They believe that there are ways to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Positive Thinker Traits

Positive Thinker Traits

Take my wife Cerah, for example. Despite facing a series of rejections in her job search, she remained steadfast in her belief that the right opportunity was just around the corner. As a result, her positive attitude and unwavering determination eventually led her to land her dream job.

Then there’s my friend who had this small catering business. Things were going okay, but then he hit a rough patch when a big client canceled a major event last minute. Instead of sulking, he saw it as an opportunity to pivot. He analyzed what went wrong, realized he had all this excess food prepped for the canceled event, and decided to get creative.

He reached out to local shelters and charities, offering them surplus food for free. Not only did he help those in need, but he also gained positive exposure for his business through local media coverage and social media shoutouts.

Positive thinking is that secret ingredient that has the power to turn things around, uplift us, and give us the perseverance to keep going no matter how tough life gets. 

In the next section, look at an inspiring example of how positive thinking makes an impact on both our lives and the people around us.

B. 25 Powerful Tips To Be Positive Everyday

American author Hellen Keller said:

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
— Hellen Keller

She's reminding us that believing in ourselves and staying hopeful is important for success. It's like having a guiding light that keeps us moving forward, even when things get tough. Staying positive during difficult times and having the faith to keep moving is what gets us through. 

I'm a passionate tennis player, and one thing I've learned on the court is the power of staying positive, no matter what. 

One particular match stands out in my memory, where I faced a tough opponent and found myself struggling to keep up. Shots weren't landing as I intended, and frustration threatened to take over.

I ended up making a big mistake, sending the ball shooting out of bounds. It was a stumble that could have easily shattered my confidence and crushed my performance. However, instead of dwelling on the error, I made a conscious decision to embrace positivity.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that mistakes are a natural part of the game and an opportunity for growth. Rather than succumbing to negativity, I shifted my focus to the next point, visualizing successful shots and maintaining a sense of determination.

That shift in attitude proved to be of help. With each subsequent point, I found myself regaining momentum, my shots becoming more precise, and my confidence steadily growing. Despite the initial setback, I managed to turn the match in my favor, ultimately obtaining a hard-fought victory.

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Surrounding Yourself With Positivity

Following are 25 major tips to help you be positive everyday: 

1. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Have you ever noticed how being around certain people just lifts your mood? Surrounding yourself with positive influences can make a huge difference in how you feel everyday. Doesn’t matter if it's friends, family, or even online communities that share your interests, seek out those who uplift and inspire you. Their positivity can be contagious!

For example, when I felt down after losing a tennis match or not being able to learn a new technique, coming home to my wife and kids always helped lift my mood. Listening to my kids talking about school and what they did like making a new friend or learning something new in class or my wife landing a new client made me feel positive and happy. This gave me the motivation and the will to keep trying despite setbacks in my tennis game. 

2. Limit Negative News Consumption 

It's so important to stay informed about what's happening in the world, but if we look at it the other way, the news can sometimes be overwhelming and even depressing. I've found that setting boundaries around how much negative news I consume can really help. Maybe assign specific times of day to check the news to stay in the loop and then focus on more uplifting activities the rest of the time.

Here are a few things I tried that kept me informed while also maintaining a balance between too much negative news consumption:

  • Curating my news sources: Instead of passively scrolling through social media feeds, I now choose a few reputable news outlets known for balanced reporting. This ensures I get the information I need without the negativity overload.

  • Setting news boundaries: I designate specific times of day to check the news, say once in the morning and once in the evening. This helps me stay informed while avoiding the constant news cycle.

  • Focusing on uplifting content: During the rest of the day depending on how much time I have, I fill my time with positive and inspiring content. This could be listening to podcasts, reading personal development articles, or watching funny videos.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment and accepting our thoughts and feelings without judgment. It might sound simple, but it's not always easy, especially with our busy lives. 

One thing I like to do is take a few minutes each day to just focus on myself, and take a few minutes out of the day to reflect, relax, and let go. Breathing exercises and meditation also make a difference.  It helps me center myself and let go of any stress or worries.

For example, even simple activities like washing the dishes or cleaning the house can have a therapeutic effect. While your hands are busy organizing things, you can let go of the chaos in your mind, relaxing and creating space to regain clarity. 

4. Focus on Solutions

You know, when faced with a problem, it's natural to focus on it and stress about all the things that could go wrong. But instead of getting stuck in that negative web, try shifting your focus to finding solutions. 

Break the problem down into smaller and manageable steps, and brainstorm different ways you could handle it. Taking action, no matter how small, can help us feel more empowered and optimistic about the outcome.

For example, last week was jam packed for me and my family. My wife had a major project deadline and had meetings all week, my kids had their projects and tests and I had to juggle work and an important tennis match. Planning how everything would go had me panicking, thinking there was no way to fit everything in 5 days.

Me and wife got down to work, and we made lists of everyone’s schedule, prioritizing the most important tasks, events, and meetings. Then we matched each other’s schedules to manage what the other couldn’t. Lastly, we got in touch with the parents of our kid’s friends and arranged carpooling. 

It was a tough week but we were able to manage everything on time by breaking the tasks and batching them into manageable steps for a workable solution. 

5. Engage in Physical Activity

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Physical Activity

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Physical Activity

Exercise is not just good for our bodies; it's also great for our minds! Even something as simple as going for a walk or doing a quick workout at home can release endorphins and boost our mood. Plus, getting outside and moving our bodies can help clear our heads and put things into perspective.

What has worked for me is setting my alarm 30 minutes early for a brisk 30-minute walk before sunrise. The cool morning air wakes me up naturally, and there's a sense of accomplishment starting the day with some exercise.  Plus, the quiet streets allow me to clear my head and focus on the day ahead.  By the time I get back home, I'm energized, ready to tackle my tasks, and feeling grateful for that morning power walk.

6. Set Realistic Goals

We all have big dreams and aspirations, but sometimes those goals can feel overwhelming. That's why it's important to break them down into smaller and more achievable steps. Instead of focusing on losing 20 pounds in a month, for example, maybe set a goal to exercise for 30 minutes each day or cook one healthy meal a week.

When I took up tennis, the initial excitement wore off quickly when my progress was slow and even the most basic of moves felt like learning a new language. Discouragement loomed, but I set realistic goals. 

Forget winning rallies; returning the ball consistently was my Everest. Each practice session focused on tiny improvements: grip, swing path, and follow-through, and slowly, connection happened. Every successful return or new technique learned was a victory which gave me the motivation to stick to the sport. 

7. Mark Your Milestones  

It's so important to acknowledge our accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it's finishing a project at work or finally cleaning out that junk drawer, take a moment to pat yourself on the back, it will give you an instant boost of motivation and will lift your spirits. Don’t focus on what wasn’t done, instead take the time to celebrate the progress that was made. 

For example, I've always loved to cook but somehow manage to mess up even the most simple things. Every recipe felt like a complex equation, and the potential for culinary disaster loomed large. But I decided to celebrate small victories instead of focusing on becoming a Michelin-starred chef overnight.

My first milestone? Mastering scrambled eggs. It sounds simple, but those fluffy, golden folds brought a wave of accomplishment!  From there, I tackled new recipes one step at a time. Each successfully baked cake, well-made curry, or stir-fried masterpiece was a cause for celebration.

8. Practice Self-Compassion

We're often our own harshest critics, aren't we? But treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, especially in times of difficulty, can make a lot of difference. Instead of beating ourselves up over a mistake, let's try offering ourselves the same compassion we would offer a friend in the same situation. After all, we're only human, and we're doing the best we can.

Instead of “I could’ve handled this better” or “I could have done this sooner”, give yourself a break and make a pact to overcome your mistake the next time. Acknowledge that you can't control everything but you do have the power to make better decisions or take a different action the next time. 

When I began my business after leaving my job for 13 years, many of my plans didn’t turn out as expected. However, instead of blaming myself and thinking of potential losses and a negative future, I identified what I was doing wrong and plowed on, researching more, preparing better, and keeping my direction clear to make my business a success. I treated all those mistakes as a learning curve to move towards better and positive outcomes. 

9. Engage in Acts of Kindness

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to do something nice for someone else? Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter or simply holding the door open for a stranger, acts of kindness not only brighten someone else's day but also lift our spirits in the process. It's like a win-win for everyone involved and creates a more harmonious and positive environment. 

Like taking the time out to help your neighbor whose son recently left home with heavy lifting or fixing things around the house. Or feeding the homeless person you see on your way to work everyday. These small acts of kindness make your life more positive, spreading positivity to the people around you. 

10. Find Meaning and Purpose

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Finding Meaning

You know, life feels a whole lot more fulfilling when we have activities or causes that speak to our hearts. Whether it's volunteering for a cause we're passionate about or practicing a hobby that brings us joy, finding meaning and purpose can give us a sense of direction and fulfillment. It's like adding an extra layer of richness to our lives.

Have you ever felt rudderless like you have no direction in life? Maybe it's the daily routine, work, or life problems getting you down. Or is the monotony making you feel dull? Go back in time. Think about the things that used to give you joy. Maybe it was the excitement of trying a new cuisine, meeting new people, or playing your guitar which is gathering dust under your bed. 

Incorporate those things in your life to spread the spark of positivity and give your life purpose again. Like I did when I took up tennis and opened myself to a whole new avenue of learning. 

11. Practice Positive Affirmations

Have you ever tried repeating positive statements to yourself? Like, "I radiate confidence and positivity." "I am worthy of love and respect."

It might sound a bit cheesy, but positive affirmations can actually be really powerful. Taking a moment each day to remind ourselves of our worth and capabilities can help boost our confidence and self-esteem. So give yourself a pep talk in the mirror, and see the difference for yourself.

After losing so many matches when I started playing tennis, negativity, and defeat was a constant in my life. Positive affirmations like ‘I can do better’, ‘I will win the next match’, or ‘every new thing takes time’, helped give me the encouragement I needed to continue until I was able to improve my game. 

12. Cultivate Optimism 

You know, it's easy to get stuck in negative thoughts, especially when things aren't going our way. But cultivating optimism means training our minds to see the silver lining, even in the toughest of situations. Instead of assuming the worst, try shifting your perspective to focus on the potential for positive outcomes. It's like looking at the glass half full rather than half empty.

Think about a day when you’re running late for an important meeting. The day begins with you misplacing your car keys, one of the kids getting sick, and slow traffic throughout your route. Instead of giving in to the frustration, you channel your inner problem-solver.  

Taking a deep breath, you quickly delegate tasks: breakfast prep to your partner, a call to reschedule the sick child's dentist appointment, and a text to the meeting organizer explaining the delay.  While calmly searching for the misplaced keys (remembering the "last place you looked" trick!), you mentally run through the meeting agenda, strategizing how to best utilize the shortened prep time. By the time you find the keys buried under the couch cushions (classic!), you're not flustered, just focused. 

Traffic might be slow, but your mind is racing productively.  You arrive a few minutes behind schedule but with a clear plan and an apology in hand. The meeting goes smoothly, and you even impress your colleagues with your quick thinking under pressure.  

Later, reflecting on the morning's chaos, you realize it wasn't the problems themselves, but your mindset that made the difference.  A little optimism and a proactive approach can turn a seemingly disastrous day into a minor inconvenience and a chance to showcase your adaptability.

13. Laugh Often 

Tip To Be Positive Everyday Is Laughing Often

Laughter truly is said to be the best medicine, and perhaps it is. Whether it's watching a funny movie or sharing a joke with friends, laughter has a way of instantly lifting our spirits and brightening our day. So don't be afraid to embrace your silly side and seek out moments of joy and humor whenever you can. Your mood will thank you for it. 

I remember a time when I was in a hurry and forgot to change my shoes before a formal dinner. I get there, and suddenly look down and feel so embarrassed. Instead of getting flustered and drowning with mortification, I muster up my confidence and go in calmly. When someone notices the mishap, I laugh at myself to diffuse the situation, and lightly talk about the events leading up to me not remembering to put on my dress shoes.

Finding humor and laughing at yourself makes the situation less serious, thereby lessening its impact and making you feel more in control and positive. 

14. Practice Forgiveness

Holding onto grudges and resentment only weighs us down and prevents us from moving forward. That's why practicing forgiveness, both for others and for ourselves, is so important. It's not about excusing someone else's behavior or forgetting what happened—it's about freeing ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment so that we can heal and move on.

Say you suddenly meet your high school nemesis at a social event. All you can do is remember the bullying they put you through and how miserable they made your life. Now you can either act the same way, giving them the same power over you that they had or you can act the mature, positive person you are now. 

By talking to the high school bully confidently, you mitigate their effect and give yourself the power to move on from those traumatizing events. You stop blaming yourself for not being strong enough to stand up to them in school and let go of the resentment and hate those events have on you, becoming a better and more positive person. 

15. Create a Positive Environment

How To Create A Positive Environment

Surrounding ourselves with uplifting quotes, images, and colors can really boost our mood and create a more positive atmosphere. Our environment plays a big role in shaping our outlook on life. You can try decorating your workspace with motivational posters or filling your home with fresh flowers and bright colors. Exposure to natural light and open air immensely help.  

Our surroundings have a powerful impact on our mood. That's why I use my environment to cultivate positivity. My workspace isn't cluttered with to-do lists; instead, it boasts a framed quote that reads "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." These visual reminders keep me centered and optimistic, even during challenging days.

16. Spend Time in Nature

There's something truly magical about spending time outdoors. Whether it's taking a hike in the mountains or simply sitting in the park and soaking up the sun, nature has a way of reminding us of the beauty of the world around us. So next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, why not take a little nature break?

The 30-minute walk I take every morning surrounded by greenery, away from the four walls of the office or the home is a game changer for my day. It allows me to appreciate the beauty of nature and the calm and peace each day brings us no matter how hectic my day will be. 

17. Practice Acceptance

Let's face it—life doesn't always go according to plan, and that's okay. Instead of fighting against the things we can't change, practicing acceptance means learning to embrace life as it is.  

For instance, you're all set for a picnic in the park with friends. You've got the perfect spot picked out and the snacks packed. But just as you're about to head out the door, it starts pouring rain. Instead of getting frustrated, you grab some blankets, set up camp in your living room, and turn the picnic into an indoor feast. It's not what you planned, but everyone has a blast anyway, laughing and making memories despite the unexpected twist.

18. Engage in Creative Activities

Creative activities have a way of nourishing our souls and bringing us joy. So don't be afraid to unleash your inner artist and express yourself in whatever way feels right for you. Here are a few examples of creative activities you can choose to foster positivity in your daily life. 

Image 6: Creative Activities To Foster Positivity In Your Daily Life 

  • Painting

  • Art Journaling

  • Pottery

  • Photography

  • Cooking and Baking

  • Gardening

Whenever I feel stressed and the daily life decision fatigue begins to settle in, I garden. The simple act of planting, weeding, and nurturing things to life fills me with joy and inner peace, allowing me to regain my focus and relax. 

19. Embrace Challenges

It's easy to shy away from challenges and stick to what's comfortable, but stepping outside of our comfort zone is where real growth happens. Whether it's learning a new skill or tackling a difficult project, embracing challenges can help us build resilience and confidence in ourselves.  

For example, you've planned a hiking trip with your buddies. You've got the gear, and the trail map, and you're all ready.. But halfway through, you hit this massive rockslide blocking the path. Instead of turning back, you guys decide to tackle the challenge head-on. You scramble over the rocks, help each other out, and eventually find a way around.

20. Seek Out Inspirational Role Models

Surrounding myself with people who inspire me to be my best self has been key to my journey of personal growth and development. Whether it's a tennis legend whose perseverance and determination inspire me to keep pushing forward or a mentor whose wisdom and guidance help me navigate life's challenges, having positive role models to look up to keeps us motivated and focused on our goals.

When I started playing tennis, learning from athletic legends, and reading their stories of perseverance and resilience always gave me the strength to move on and keep improving myself. 

21. Reflect on Moments of Growth

You know, looking back on how far we've come and all the obstacles we've overcome reminds us of our strength and resilience. For example, you might look back at a time in life when you overcame the overwhelming pressure of your parents’ divorce. It taught you true strength and the importance of pushing through even when things get tough. Now, whenever you face challenges, you can draw on that experience as a reminder of your strength and ability to overcome adversity.

All those hard moments that life throws at you, from when you struggle with a subject in school to speaking in front of a large group of people for the first time, are what help you grow. I remember when I was made the captain of my college cricket team. Even though I was an excellent player, the pressure of managing the team got to me. There were decisions I made that led to us losing the match.

This made me feel inadequate and incapable of leading a team. However, the monumental disappointment of my first test as the captain did not make me give up. I went back and reflected on my mistakes and came back stronger in the next match. It made me improve my leadership skills, and teamwork and stay positive during high-pressure and challenging situations. 

I went on to lead my team through many tournaments, my first setback shaping me to become a better captain, person, and leader. These skills helped me grow later both personally and professionally, embracing the power of positivity. 

22. Learn from Failure 

It’s easy to sit back and cry about things going wrong. But instead of viewing failure as a setback, if you see it as an opportunity to learn and grow, your life will seem a lot more stress-free. 

For example, you launch a passion project, but it doesn't quite take off as expected. Instead of dwelling on failure, you seek feedback, learn from mistakes, and pivot your approach. It's a tough but valuable lesson in resilience and growth, reminding you that failure is just a stepping stone to success.

23. Practice Generosity

Give freely of your time, resources, and talents to others in need. Maybe donate to a charitable organization or help babysit a friend’s children when they are moving houses or going through a divorce. This will keep you grounded and will give you exposure to greater optimism, spreading positivity and helping you add value to both your and other people’s lives. 

Remember the neighbor whose son left or job or college? Inviting her for dinner or involving her in family activities can make her feel less lonely, making a positive change in her life as well as yours. 

24. Reflect on Your Blessings

You know, it's easy to get caught up in the noise of life and forget to pause and appreciate all the good things around us. For instance, after a tough day, you think about the love of your family, the support of your friends, and the opportunities that have come your way. Suddenly, your perspective shifts, and you realize how truly fortunate you are. Your heart fills with warmth and reminds you that even in the darkest moments, there is always something to be thankful for.

For example, when you come home tired after a stressful day at work, your kids' excitement and exuberance may grate on you. All you want is peace and a reprieve from everything. However, one day you come home and your wife and kids are visiting family and the house seems silent and there’s no one to talk to and you miss seeing your family’s faces light up with pleasure after a day at work. 

It’s all about perspective and finding courage from all the blessings you have around you. Take strength from these blessings and surround yourself with the positive aspects. It can be as simple as not getting pasta for dinner and having to eat vegetables. Be thankful that you have food waiting for you and a roof over your head while so many people ae hungry and homeless. 

25. Create Daily Routines 

Kickstart your day with positivity and wind down with a sense of peace by developing morning and evening routines. Begin your mornings with a few deep breaths, setting your intention for a happy and focused day. Wake up your body and mind with some stretches or light exercise. 

Prepare yourself for the day with a nutritious breakfast. Take some time to plan your day and visualize your goals, ensuring you feel prepared and empowered. As evening approaches, unwind and de-stress with a relaxing activity like reading or taking a warm bath. 

Reflect on the day's blessings by writing down three things you're grateful for. Finally, before drifting off to sleep, spend a few minutes visualizing your ideal life and goals. These simple yet powerful rituals practiced daily, will cultivate a positive mindset that paves the way for long-lasting success.

C. The Magic of Positive Thinkers

Some people radiate positivity, spreading positive vibes wherever they go.

One such person is Dwayne Johnson, the American actor. You've probably seen him in action-packed movies or maybe even came across one of his motivational Instagram posts. He is the epitome of a positive thinker, and his journey to success is downright inspiring.

Dwayne Johnson, former wrestler turned Hollywood superstar, wasn't always living the glamorous life. Back in his wrestling days, he faced more than his fair share of failures and challenges. But instead of letting those obstacles knock him down, he used them as fuel to force himself forward.

This is the guy who was cut from his Canadian football team, battled depression and went through a rocky transition from wrestling to acting. But did he let any of that stop him? No! Instead,  he embraced every challenge with open arms and a positive attitude that could move mountains.

And let's not forget about his famous catchphrase: "Just bring it." It's more than just a line; it's a mantra for living life with unwavering confidence and determination. Whether he's tackling a tough workout, filming a grueling scene, or facing down his fears, Dwayne approaches everything with an I-can-do-it attitude. 

But what sets Dwayne apart as a positive thinker is that he's not just about lifting himself; he's all about lifting others too. From his charity work to his heartfelt messages of encouragement on social media, he's always spreading good vibes wherever he goes. This is a prime example of what a positive thinker is like.

D. Decyz POV On How To Be Positive

Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.
— Walt Whitman

This quote by Walt Whitman summarizes the essence of positivity. It suggests that maintaining an optimistic outlook allows one to navigate through life's obstacles with resilience and grace. By directing our attention towards brightness and optimism, we can overcome darkness and adversity.

At Decyz, we believe in the power of positivity to transform not only our lives but also the lives of those around us. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and approaching each day with optimism and enthusiasm sets the tone for our life’s journey. 

It brings with it the faith that we can achieve our goals, giving us the strength to get back up after obstacles and conquer each challenge that comes our way.

So take these positivity tips and make them your stepping stones to become a positive thinker, filling your life with optimism and cheer. 


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