Create “My Best Life” With These 15 Tips That You Never Knew!
"What does it mean to live your best life?”
Is it having enough money to never work again or is it having the most beautiful partner, a successful career, and perfect kids?
Best is a relative term that has a different meaning for everyone. For some best may mean a chocolate cake while for others it can mean a caramel salted cupcake.
In this diverse world full of colors, textures, and millions of people, each one with their unique taste, perspectives, and personality, best can only be defined by our meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
So, how do we define the term best life? Is a universal best life a fact or fiction?
Is it even a real phenomenon? Or is it something we’ve made up?
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
This Abraham Lincoln quote says it all - it’s not about how long you live but how you live, and it’s saying making the most of every moment, filling your days with experiences, adventures, and meaningful connections.
Instead of chasing a fictional best, let’s learn to live a life on our terms, achieving the peace and happiness that come with pursuing life decisions that complete us, whether it’s from a career, family, passion, or helping others.
Let's begin this journey of self-discovery together. This guide provides practical steps to craft your own best life – a life filled with purpose, meaning, and the fulfillment that comes from pursuing what truly matters to you.
A. The Best Life: Separating Fact from Fiction
Imagine two people. One lives to be a hundred but spends most of their time just going through the motions of living - waking up, going to work, eating, doing chores, and not engaging with life. The other lives half as long but squeezes every drop of joy and meaning out of every day, taking each day as a new beginning, trying to find purpose, taking risks, and tackling life head-on.
For some, living the best life may be linked to personal accomplishments, career success, or financial stability. Others may find fulfillment in relationships, personal growth, contributing to their community, or simply enjoying the present moment.
Ultimately, the meaning of the best life is deeply personal, reflecting an individual's unique values, priorities, and path of happiness on their terms. It's about crafting a life that resonates with authenticity, purpose, and a sense of joy and contentment.
Hence, the idea of "best life" is more of an aspiration and subjective idea rather than an objective fact. It is not a universally defined or measurable standard, but rather a personal and often evolving vision of what constitutes a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Here, we'll debunk some common myths about the "best life" and explore what truly matters in crafting a fulfilling existence.
1. Happiness Comes From Material Possessions
While financial security is important, studies reveal a diminishing return on happiness as wealth increases. Beyond basic needs, a focus on experiences, relationships, and personal growth brings more lasting joy than accumulating possessions.
We may think a bigger house or more money may bring us more happiness. We spend years chasing the dream and finally get there. But when we finally have that mansion, does the joy the thought of it bring you last year after year? Or maybe now that we finally have that success or material possession, we think about the many things we lost during that journey.
2. There's One "Best Life" Path for Everyone
Society often promotes a one-size-fits-all ideal of success. But what brings fulfillment to one person might leave another feeling uninspired. Your "best life" is uniquely yours, based on your values, passions, and goals.
Some people crave peace and solitude, finding joy in writing or painting. While others may prefer a fast-paced life surrounded by people. Identifying our best is the first step to attaining it.
3. Happiness is a Destination, Not a Journey
Life is full of ups and downs. The "best life" isn't about achieving a constant state of bliss, but about cultivating resilience, appreciating the present moment, and finding joy in the journey itself.
Learn from your mistakes, enjoy the little moments, create memories, find humor and strength to persevere, and keep moving on your path to success. It’s not just about getting to the top of the mountain but all the life lessons you learn along the way to make that win even more meaningful.
4. You Need to Follow Your Dreams Blindly
While pursuing your passions is important, a healthy dose of realism is crucial. Carefully weigh your dreams against your skills, resources, and responsibilities. Don't be afraid to adapt your goals as you learn and grow.
Your passion is writing and you want to share your stories with the world. You can keep writing in one form or another, like training others or doing freelance writing gigs, while steadily building your portfolio and chasing publication.
This allows you to develop your skills, gain experience, and even generate income while keeping the end goal of becoming a famous writer firmly in sight. Alternatively, you could choose to dedicate all your efforts to writing a novel, but be prepared to navigate the financial realities of that path.
5. Success Requires Constant Comparison
Social media feeds are often filled with carefully curated glimpses of other people's lives. Comparing your journey to someone else's highlight reel leads to disappointment. Celebrate your achievements and focus on your path to fulfillment. Someone else's perfect vacation on Instagram shouldn't overshadow the joy you find in spending time with family in your backyard.
Take my life example. When I decided to start my business, leaving a stable job to follow my vision and professional development, it wasn’t an easy decision. The stakes were high and stepping out of my comfort zone was challenging.
However, my best life was the dream to follow my ambition, live life on my terms, and get to the pinnacle of success with the flexibility and freedom that my job could not give me. The excitement of pursuing my ambition, the freedom and flexibility I craved, and the very act of pushing myself towards my goals brought a sense of fulfillment.
There might have been temporary financial sacrifices and a period of uncertainty, but these challenges became stepping stones on my path to the "best life". This is the essence of the journey being the source of happiness, not just the final destination.
“Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.”
Take charge of your happiness and make the most of the time you've got. You can choose to focus on the sour stuff, or you can add a little sugar and make life sweeter by focusing on the good stuff—doing things you love, spending time with people who make you happy, and chasing your dreams.
B. 15 Tips To My Best Life
While there’s no perfect solution to crafting our best life, these useful tips can help us get there one step at a time:
1. Count Your Blessings
Begin your day by reflecting on the things you are grateful for. When we appreciate the positive aspects of our lives, it enhances our overall well-being and sets a positive tone for our days. Here is a list of things that helped me stay thankful and stay strong during my life, especially during difficult times:
Jot down a few things you're grateful for each morning.
Take a moment to appreciate the day’s highlights at night.
Acknowledge and celebrate even the small victories.
Challenge negative self-talk. Shift your focus to your strengths and accomplishments.
Guided meditations can deepen your appreciation for the good things in your life.
Write down things you're thankful for on slips of paper and add them to a jar. Revisit them during tough times.
Let the people in your life know how much you appreciate them. A heartfelt "thank you" can go a long way in strengthening relationships.
2. Cultivate Positive Relationships
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and encourage you. Having a non-toxic company contributes to mental well-being and provides room for growth. For example, I may have struggled at work all day, but coming home to my loving wife lessens my burden, provides support, and makes me feel I’m not alone.
3. Engage in Acts of Kindness
Perform random acts of kindness to others, as helping others can contribute to your sense of well-being. Kindness is a fundamental virtue that holds the power to transform relationships, create positive environments, and contribute to overall prosperity.
Like feeding one hungry person a day or giving food to the cat outside your house. Being kind without expecting a reward keeps our empathy alive, making us feel grateful for everything we have and fostering a sense of responsibility to help others in need.
4. Prioritize Self-Care
Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being through adequate sleep, exercise, and relaxation. It forms the foundation for overall well-being, encouraging a positive and balanced lifestyle.
Taking time for self-care enables me to recharge both physically and mentally, reducing stress and promoting emotional stability. It allows me to nurture my passions like tennis, fitness, and traveling and maintain meaningful connections.
5. Set Realistic Goals
Establish achievable and meaningful goals that give your life purpose and direction. Begin by identifying specific, achievable objectives that align with your values and aspirations. Break these goals into manageable steps, allowing for gradual progress and preventing overwhelm.
Remember that passion for becoming a writer and ensuring you have the financial freedom to achieve that goal with writing gigs and building your portfolio?
6. Live in the Present Moment
Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment, and letting go of worries about the past or future. Living in the present means fully immersing yourself in the current moment, appreciating it without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
When we focus too much on the impossibilities and obstacles of our path, we often lose the courage to try or admit defeat in the middle. Setbacks are stepping stones for growth, giving you the experience and skills you need to achieve your goal. Taking writing jobs, and meeting different people may one day lead you to the point where your dreams become a reality.
A mindful approach helps reduce stress, enhance relationships, and bring a sense of joy and clarity to my daily life.
7. Nurture Hobbies and Passions
Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it's a hobby, sport, or creative pursuit. For me, it has been cricket and tennis over the years, and reading recently.
These activities serve as creative outlets, helping me to reduce stress and boost my mood. By prioritizing your passions, you enhance your life and contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
8. Learn to Manage Stress
Stress if not managed keeps building up until it begins to affect our emotional and physical health. It weakens our immune system, increasing the risk of medical conditions. Emotionally, it makes us a worrier, promoting inaction because everything seems too difficult and tiring.
I reduce stress to keep my focus and clarity through the following:
Engage in physical activity - go for a jog, or involve yourself in an outdoor game.
Practice deep breathing - if you encounter a situation where you feel anxious, try sitting down in a corner and closing your eyes. Then simply inhale and exhale deeply while relaxing your body.
Establish healthy boundaries - decide when to say yes and when to say no by prioritizing your needs and values.
Prioritize self-care, ensure sufficient rest, and seek support when needed. These strategies can minimize the impact of stress, stimulate resilience, and maintain a healthier and more balanced life.
9. Embrace a Positive Mindset
Try to see the glass as half full, and consciously shift negative thoughts toward more optimistic perspectives. Maintaining a positive mindset is about actively choosing optimistic perspectives, and emphasizing solutions over problems. Practice self-compassion, and challenge negative thoughts.
I've been trying this new thing where I jot down three things I'm grateful for each morning. It might be something as simple as the sun shining through my window or a heartfelt conversation with a friend. This helps me maintain a positive outlook on my day.
10. Celebrate Small Achievements
Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small, to boost your confidence and motivation. By recognizing our small to big accomplishments, we boost motivation, instill a sense of progress, and create a positive mindset.
Take my own experience, for example. I used to struggle with finishing writing projects. One day, I set a small goal to write just 300 words. Reaching that goal, even though it seemed insignificant, felt like a victory. Over time, I realized the power of celebrating small wins and how the recognition of the progress kept me going.
This approach extends beyond writing. I cheer for my kids for finishing their homework and trying a new sport or food. Their beaming smiles and increased motivation are a testament to the power of acknowledging small achievements. Celebrating these moments creates a positive feedback loop that encourages progress and fosters a sense of accomplishment in ourselves and those around us.
11. Connect with Nature
Spend time outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature, which can have positive effects on your mood. This relates more to maintaining your physical health as it affects your overall well-being.
Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply enjoying a moment outdoors, connecting with nature offers numerous benefits. It promotes relaxation and reduces stress. I like reading my favorite books out in my garden to relax and unwind.
12. Limit Social Media Usage
In this age, when everything from finding news to buying groceries has turned into online businesses. However, we must be mindful of our social media consumption and reduce screen time to focus on real-life connections.
Excessive social media use isolates us from the more important things in life, like talking to our partner at the end of the day, reading our kids a bedtime story, or playing their favorite game. When the phone is always next to us, picking it up when our kids are sharing something exciting about their day makes them feel unimportant.
These small things can have major consequences, creating a barrier between our real and electronic lives. Set a daily time limit, and focus on uplifting content. Beyond that, prioritize real-life connections and activities that bring you joy so that you feel more present and fulfilled.
13. Forgive and Let Go
Incorporating the powerful process of forgiveness is very hard, but it’s the best way to make peace within yourself. When you forgive others and even yourself, you open space for healing and create an opportunity for personal growth.
Letting go lets you focus on the present and future, stimulating emotional well-being and allowing for positive connections. If we continue to simmer and resent past mistakes, both our own and those of others who have wronged us, we don’t focus on the future as we’re too invested in our past.
14. Laugh and Have Fun
Engaging in activities that bring laughter and enjoyment not only lifts your mood but also promotes overall good health. Whether it's sharing jokes with friends, participating in playful activities, or finding humor in everyday situations, laughter has positive effects on mental and physical health.
Having fun adds a lightness to life, reduces stress, and strengthens social bonds, contributing to a happier and more vibrant existence.
15. Seek Professional Support
If needed, don't hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional for guidance and support. Getting help from a professional allows us to explore our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a confidential and non-judgmental space.
Professional help can lead to improved coping mechanisms, enhanced self-awareness, and the development of strategies for overcoming obstacles. It's an empowering step toward prioritizing mental health and fostering a more fulfilling life.
Sometimes, our family and friends because of their love cannot give us an objective opinion. They often voice the same thoughts and feelings that are going through our heads. Say, we’re considering separation from a long-time partner or are upset by our work environment.
Getting a different perspective from an expert who has no connections to our situation allows us to approach the problem from varying angles we might never have considered.
C. The Intersection of Life and Happiness
“The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.”
This quote by British actress Audrey Hepburn leaves us questioning: “How am I supposed to enjoy my life and be happy?”, “What exactly is happiness?”, “Can I live my life without happiness?
Happiness and life are deeply connected, with one influencing the other in profound ways. While the hunt for happiness is a universal aspiration, the relationship between happiness and life is complex and varied.
Here are some key aspects to consider when finding out how happiness walks into our lives:
I. Subjectivity of Happiness
Happiness is highly subjective, varying from person to person. What brings joy and fulfillment to one individual may differ significantly from another. For instance, playing tennis brings me a lot of joy, but it won’t for my wife because her priorities and passions differ from mine. However, she may be happy in her life with her perspectives and I may be with mine.
II. Balancing Life Domains
Happiness often emerges when there is a harmonious balance among different domains of life, such as relationships, careers, health, and personal interests. Striking a balance that aligns with your values can contribute to an overall sense of well-being.
If I devote my life completely to my career, I won’t feel happy in the long run. Regrets may cloud my head of wasting my time on one thing and not even paying attention to my loved ones. Hence, I need a balance where I can divide my time and effort equally in everything I do. Here is a what makes you happy list that has diverse set of simple activities to lighten the mood and lift the spirits.
III. Quality of Relationships
Positive and meaningful relationships are fundamental to happiness. Cultivating strong connections with family, friends, and the community enhances social support, contributing to a richer and more fulfilling life. It’s nice to spend a tiring day at work and come home to my beautiful family or sometimes have a nice chat with my friends.
After all, when we grow old and retire, it's these relationships and the memories we’ve created through our lives that will sustain us. Not our colleagues or the deals we've closed.
IV. Purpose and Meaning
A life imbued with purpose and meaning tends to foster happiness. Engaging in activities that align with your values and contribute to a greater cause can provide a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Taking joy in small things like cooking a special meal for our family on weekends or just doing a BBQ because the weather is nice gives a whole new meaning to the dinner we eat daily. Or taking our kids out for our daily walk, talking with them and giving them small life lessons through sights, sounds, and experiences creates the building blocks for their budding life journey.
Purpose and meaning do not have to be a mission you take time out for. It can be incorporated into your daily routine with small acts of kindness, bonding, and making daily activities special for your family, friends, and even strangers.
V. Resilience in Hardship
Resilience—the ability to bounce back from challenges and disappointments—is crucial in navigating life's ups and downs. Failing an exam, losing that dream job, or not getting admission into your chosen university - bouncing back from these life challenges makes us stronger and learn from our mistakes.
Developing resilience has positively influenced my capacity to find joy and satisfaction even in difficult circumstances. I remember when I lost one of my major tennis tournaments, I couldn’t think straight for days. Disappointment and uncertainty took the best of me. But I picked myself up, trained harder, learned from my mistakes, and came back stronger in the next tournament.
VI. Personal Growth and Learning
A commitment to personal growth and continuous learning contributes to a sense of achievement and happiness. After losing my tennis tournament, if I sat back and cried instead of learning from my mistakes, I wouldn’t have had any sense of personal growth. I needed to learn to be able to bounce back and perform well in the next tournament.
If we give up after one defeat, how will we learn what we did wrong and make it right? Personal growth comes from failure and the fear of failure inhibits us from learning and making decisions. When life hits you hard, say “So What?” and move on to the next step after reflecting and learning.
VII. Cultivating Positive Habits
Healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep, can impact both physical and mental well-being. These positive habits contribute to an overall sense of happiness and vitality. They bring things into perspective, changing our mindset from defeat to perseverance.
For example, I start my day with some light stretching and a quick gratitude journal session. I also add time for gyming and practicing tennis. In the late evenings, I mostly read for a better sleep. These habits help me maintain a sense of satisfaction and well-being in my daily life.
VIII. Gratitude and Appreciation
Trying to acquire gratitude and appreciating the positive aspects of life, even during challenging times, can enhance happiness. When we complain too much, we tend to miss all the good things in our lives, focusing on the negatives. This makes us feel even worse, creating frustration and irritation, making us feel less thankful.
During difficult times, it's your family that can help foster positivity. Talking to each other makes the problem seem smaller and we feel lighter. Discussions or even letting out the negative feelings can provide solutions as your other half has the detachment and objectivity to bring things in perspective, pointing out the things that did go well and helping us fix the ones that didn't. Here are some tips to be positive that can be learnt and practiced on a daily basis.
D. Is There Fulfillment Beyond Money?
The Greek philosopher Democritus said:
“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”
Similarly, the 32nd US president, Franklin D. Roosevelt also said:
“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
Think of it this way: money can buy you things like fancy cars, luxurious vacations, or the latest gadgets. And yes, those things can bring temporary happiness, like a quick boost in status. But here's the main part: that happiness? It's short-lived.
True happiness isn't about how much cash you've got in your bank account or the things you own. It's about the experiences you have, the connections you make, and the memories you create
Here are some inspiring examples of people who lived their best lives without making money their purpose:
I. Masanobu Fukuoka
Masanobu Fukuoka was a Japanese farmer and philosopher known for his natural farming methods. Despite living a simple life and eschewing modern agricultural practices, he found fulfillment and happiness in harmony with nature.
II. Sakena Yacoobi
Sakena Yacoobi, an Afghan educator, has dedicated her life to providing education to women and children in Afghanistan. Her work demonstrates how a commitment to social causes and community well-being can bring happiness beyond material wealth.
III. Lobsang Phuntsok
Lobsang Phuntsok, a monk in Ladakh, India, has dedicated his life to educating children and promoting sustainable living in the region. Despite limited resources and money, his focus on community and spiritual values has brought happiness to both him and the people he serves.
E. Decyz POV on How to Live My Best Life
The journey to happiness is unique and personal. It's about taking in the small joys, nurturing meaningful connections, and staying true to our values. While challenges may arise, each obstacle presents an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
At Decyz, we believe your best life is in your control. Only by identifying your core values, morals, beliefs, and the things that drive us can we live our best life. Happiness does not come from achieving what society thinks is our best life; it comes from knowing ourselves, having the courage to own our purpose, blending in positive thinking and taking action to achieve our goals.
So, as we continue forward, let's cherish the moments, learn from our experiences, and keep striving toward a life filled with purpose, passion, and contentment. After all, the beauty of life lies not just in reaching our destination, but in the journey itself.